Breeding PRE Horses – All You Need

PRE – The breeding of Purebred Spanish Horses (PREs) throughout the world is controlled by the mother studbook in Spain (ANCCE-LGPRE) and is subject to the legislation issued by the Spanish Government as well as the laws of the country of residence for the PRE horses.
In many countries around the world the ANCCE-LGPRE has set up a collaborating partnership agreement with a National PRE organisation to enable the National organisation to act as the ‘local’ LGPRE office for the whole country. BAPSH Ltd has been the official UK partner to the Spanish PRE Studbook since 1983 and BAPSH Ltd handles all the documentation and communications from breeders and owners of PREs in the UK and Eire on behalf of the ANCCE-LGPRE, and in turn BAPSH Ltd handles all the documentation and communications from ANCCE-LGPRE to the breeders and owners in both the UK and Eire.
NOTE: All PREs must be declared APTO (Approved F oror Breeding) by the Spanish Studbook before they are used for breeding or exhibited in ANCCE affiliated Show classes aged 4yrs old or older; this applies to Mares and Stallions and Geldings. The APTO declaration is usually for the lifetime of the horse. The assessment for Breeding Approval is known in the UK as the GRADING and in Spain it is called VALORACION. Each year an ANCCE-LGPRE delegate visits the UK to assess any PREs that owners wish to be Approved for Breeding; for detailed GRADING information and application forms click on this link – PRE-breeding-approval-stallions-mares
PREs in the UK are subject to UK Equine Law as well as Spanish Equine Law and sometimes these two sets of Equine legislation do not quite match up. This makes for complex paperwork requirements and you are encouraged to spend some time reading through the advice, information, and example documents on this Website so that you understand what forms you may need for a particular job or Service, how to fill out the forms correctly, and what supporting documentation you may need to accompany your form/s. Receipt of accurately completed application forms, with all the data required, signed and dated by you, will significantly speed up processing in the BAPSH Registry Office and may save you money too by preventing potential extra charges for additional time required to correct errors and obtain missing paperwork.
BAPSH Ltd urge anyone interested in breeding PRE horses to CLICK on THE TRUE TO TYPE PUREBRED SPANISH HORSE and read this excellent article on the type, characteristics, conformation, movement and temperament of the Purebred Spanish Horse and learn what to look for when breeding PRE horses.
Written by Jo Jarrett for a 2007 BAPSH Magazine, the article is based upon the brilliant lecture seminars about the PRE given by top judge and Grand Prix Dressage competitor, Mercedes Gonzalez Cort, on her visits to the UK.
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