Spanish-Norman Horse Registration Into Main Section or Appendix


1.    UK Born Foal/Horse Registration plus SNH Studbook Pedigree and Passport
2.1. UK Born Foal/Horse Registration with Overstamp of Passport issued by Other PIO
2.2. UK Born Foal/Horse Registration with Cancellation of ID-Only Passport and Re-Issue of SNH Studbook Pedigree Passport
3.1. Imported Foal/Horse Registration with Overstamp of Passport issued by Overseas PIO Studbook
3.2. Imported Foal/Horse Registration with Cancellation of ID-Only Passport and Re-Issue of SNH Studbook Pedigree Passport
3.3. Imported Foal/Horse Registration plus SNH Studbook Pedigree and Passport for Equines without a Passport from outside the EU.

Silversons Ulysses, Spanish-Norman colt with his Percheron dam, Obole du Bocage.
Sire: Cañaveral II (PRE). Bred by Claire Lilliman.

PDF Download for Spanish-Norman Foal/Horse UK-BORN REGISTRATION Instructions (as below)


The Application To Register A Foal should be Completed and Sent to the BAPSH Ltd Registry Office BEFORE the Foal reaches FIVE Months old so that Genetic Tests are completed, and the NEW Passport Created, Printed and Issued to the Owner BEFORE the Foal is SIX Months Old, as required by UK Equine Law.
Foal Registration Applications Received AFTER the Foal is 5Months Old are charged LATE FEES of £10 per month or Part-month until the Registration Application Form is received in the BAPSH Ltd Registry Office.
Owners who want to Register older horses, without any Passport, into the Spanish-Norman Horse Studbook should contact the BAPSH Ltd Registry Office directly to discuss how to proceed with registering an older horse without a passport.

Owner and Vet
1a) Breeder/Owner downloads the BAPSH Ltd  Spanish-Norman Horse Foal Registration Application Form 2022 or requests a copy from the BAPSH Ltd Registry Office via email or the post (NOTE: there is a surcharge of  £5.00 for the BAPSH Office to print and post out application forms in order to cover the extra office costs.
b) The Owner completes the Breeder/Owner details in full, selects the ‘Human Food Chain Status’ for the foal, completes the pedigree, and signs and dates the declaration.
c) The Equine Vet completes the following:-
i) Fills out the Identification Diagram in full detail, marking EVERY Whorl and Feather on the Foal (including common Whorls), and gives a full written description including the IRIS Colour of the Eyes, and the Skin Colour underlying the hair. The Vet and the Owner should check that the ID Diagram Markings correctly correspond to the Foal’s actual Markings and that the Written Description does not accidentally Transpose any Markings from left to right or vice versa.
ii) Inserts the Microchip in the left-side of the neck in mid-crest
iii) Marks the exact location of the Microchip on the ID Diagram with an M in a Circle.
iv) Completes the Veterinary Declaration Stating whether the Foal is AT FOOT with its Dam or NOT
v) Pulls out 40 hairs by the roots from the foal’s tail and places these in a clean paper envelope clearly labelled with the foal’s 1st Choice Name, DOB, Sex, and Parentage, and then the Vet signs and stamps across the seal of the envelope.
vi) The Vet then completes the bottom section of the Application Form in clear Capitals giving his/her Name and the Practice Address, Signs and Dates the form, and applies the Vet Practice Stamp in the box provided.

Send the following to BAPSH Ltd:-
1. The Foal Registration Application form
2. DNA Hair sample
3. For Foundation generation matings include a Copy of the Percheron dam or sire’s Passport or Registration document; copies of Passports should include the Registration page with UELN & Microchip number, the Ownership page, the ID page, the  Certificate of Origin and the 4 generation pedigree.
4. Sire/Dam’s Genetic Health Test Results Certificate (if not already submitted to BAPSH Ltd) where one of the parents has Percheron blood. If the SNH or Percheron parent is not certified Negative then either that parent or the foal must be DNA tested for PSSM1.
5. Mare Owner’s Section of the Covering Certificate if sire is PRE or SNH,
6.The current Registration + Pedigree Passport Fee (£79.00) plus the fees for the DNA tests where required – see below.

Genetic Typing and/or Testing
If genetic testing is required, the hair sample for the foal (or parent horse) is sent by BAPSH Ltd to Animal Genetics UK in order to have one or more of the following tests performed:-
a) DNA Type and Parentage Test.
The Foal will ONLY require DNA Type & Parentage Test IF these two Time-frames have been MISSED :-
   i) A Copy of the Covering Certificate or Covering Letter was NOT sent to the BAPSH Registry Office within the year of Covering BEFORE 1st December (ideally ONE month after the last Covering Date),
ii) The Foal Registration Application is NOT sent to the BAPSH Office BEFORE the foal reaches FIVE Months Old.
b) The test for PSSM1 is done if the Percheron parent or SNH parent is NOT certified Negative for this genetic disease.
NOTE:- Hair samples that are not used are stored securely in that horse’s own dossier.

BAPSH Ltd have a business agreement with Animal Genetics UK which gives all our clients a discount on the usual prices providing the DNA samples are submitted by BAPSH Ltd. The Animal Genetics Test application form will be completed by the BAPSH Registry Office upon receipt of the Hair Sample and the appropriate Fee. Please contact BAPSH Registry Office for the current prices for each Genetic Test.

Last Steps
When BAPSH receives the required certificates from Animal Genetics they are copied, and the original Certificates forwarded to the Owner. The Foal Registration is completed, the UELN allocated and the Passport printed and posted out to the Owner.

Silversons Ulysses, Spanish-Norman colt.
Sire: Cañaveral II (PRE); Dam: Obole du Bocage (Percheron)


Horses with parentage eligible to be recognised as a Spanish-Norman Horse are sometimes Passported with another Equine Breed Studbook first or with a non-pedigree ID-Only Passport by their first Owner. A later Owner may desire to have the pedigree SPANISH-NORMAN HORSE breed status of their horses recognised by Registration in the BAPSH Ltd SPANISH-NORMAN HORSE Studbook.

This can be done for ID-Only Passports providing the Covering Certificate issued by the owner of the Stallion is still with the horse’s paperwork given to the later Owner or if the Stallion owner will issue a new confirmation of the covering. Passports issued by Other Equine Breed Studbooks will usually be accepted once the stated pedigree is verified by BAPSH.
Inclusion in BAPSH Ltd SPANISH-NORMAN HORSE Studbook will recognise the pedigree parentage, and enable the horse to enter in the majority of the classes at the National Breed Show for Spanish horses in July, and also to enter in a wide variety of Iberian, Spanish, and Foreign Breeds classes at local and county shows, plus the BD dressage championships for Spanish horses.

Register the horse using this form Spanish-Norman Horse Foal Registration Application Form 2022 , using a Vet to re-identify the horse and send to BAPSH Ltd with the Passport to be Overstamped by BAPSH Ltd. We can provide an A4 registration certificate with the Pedigree details on it but this will be loose, not attached to the Passport.
Registration  & Overstamp Cost = £49.00

Owner and Vet
a) Breeder/Owner downloads the BAPSH Ltd  SNH Foal Registration Application Form or requests a copy from the BAPSH Ltd Registry Office via email or the post (NOTE: there is a surcharge of  £5.00 for the BAPSH Office to print and post out application forms in order to cover the extra office costs.
b) The Owner completes the Breeder/Owner details in full, selects the ‘Human Food Chain Status’ for the foal, completes the pedigree, and signs and dates the declaration.
c) The Equine Vet completes the following:-
i) Fills out the Identification Diagram in full detail, marking EVERY Whorl and Feather on the Foal (including common Whorls), and gives a full written description including the IRIS Colour of the Eyes, and the Skin Colour underlying the hair. The Vet and the Owner should check that the ID Diagram Markings correctly correspond to the Horse’s actual Markings and that the Written Description does not accidentally Transpose any Markings from left to right or vice versa.
ii) Scans for the Microchip in the left-side of the neck in mid-crest, reads the Number and writes it directly into the Microchip Box on the Form
iii) Marks the exact location of the Microchip on the ID Diagram with an M in a Circle.
iv) Completes the Veterinary Declaration Stating whether the Foal/Horse is AT FOOT with its Dam or NOT
v) Pulls out 40 hairs by the roots from the foal/horse’s tail and places these in a clean paper envelope clearly labelled with the Horse’s Passport Name, DOB, Sex, and Parentage, and then the Vet signs and stamps across the seal of the envelope.
vi) The Vet then completes the bottom section of the Application Form in clear Capitals giving his/her Name and the Practice Address, Signs and Dates the form, and applies the Vet Practice Stamp in the box provided.

Send the following to BAPSH Ltd
1.The Foal/Horse Registration Application form
2. DNA Hair sample
3a.The Foal/Horse’s Passport issued by the Other PIO.
3b.An extended pedigree (if possible) for the non-BAPSH registered sire or dam (or Both)
4. Sire/Dam’s Genetic Health Test Results Certificate (if not already submitted to BAPSH Ltd) where one of the parents has Percheron blood. If the parent is not certified Negative then either that parent or the foal must be DNA tested for genetic diseases (see below)
5. The Covering Certificate for PRE or SNH Stallions or a written signed statement of the Covering Details for Percheron Stallions.
6.The current fee (£49.00) plus the fees for the following DNA tests where required – see below.

Genetic Typing and/or Testing
If genetic testing is required, the hair sample for the foal (or parent horse) is sent by BAPSH Ltd to Animal Genetics UK in order to have one or more of the following tests performed:-
a) DNA Type and Parentage Test – If the Other Studbook Passport was issued LATE and the Foal was NOT DNA typed and Parentage Tested BEFORE registration and Passport issue, then the Foal/Horse must be DNA Typed and Parentage Tested in order to enter the SNH Main Section.
b) The test for PSSM1 is done if the Percheron lineage parent or parents is/are NOT certified Negative for this genetic disease.
NOTE:- Hair samples that are not used are stored securely in that horse’s own dossier.

BAPSH Ltd have a business agreement with Animal Genetics UK which gives all our clients a discount on the usual prices providing the DNA samples are submitted by BAPSH Ltd. The Animal Genetics Test application form will be completed by the BAPSH Registry Office upon receipt of the Hair Sample and the appropriate Fee. Please contact BAPSH Registry Office for the current prices for each Genetic Test.

Last Steps
When BAPSH receives the required certificates from Animal Genetics they are copied, and the original Certificates forwarded to the Owner. The Foal/Horse Registration is completed with the Original UELN unchanged, the Four Generation Pedigree created and Printed, the Passport Overstamped and Certified by BAPSH Ltd, and then all posted out to the Owner.

Register the horse using this form Spanish-Norman Horse Foal Registration Application Form 2022 , using a Vet to re-identify the horse and send to BAPSH Ltd with the Passport to be cancelled and re-issued as a pedigree purebred SNH Passport by BAPSH Ltd.
Registration + Passport Cost = £79.00
1. The Full Vaccination Record and the Full Ownership Record within the Horse’s Original Passport will be faithfully and accurately copied into the Vaccination and Ownership pages of the New Re-Issue Pedigree Passport. No data will be lost as a result of cancellation and Re-Issue.
2. Horses with Partbred Passports from another PIO KEEP their Partbred registration with the other Studbook and have a dual identity similar to many Warmbloods that are registered in multiple studbooks. Your horse can be a Spanish-Norman Horse AND a Partbred  Percheron.

Follow the Procedure Detailed in Option 2.1 a), b), and c)
In addition download and complete ONLY Page 1 (your Vet needs to complete just ONE ID page) of the APPLICATION FORM for BAPSH Ltd Re-Issue Passport to Upgrade to Pedigree Registered Status 

Send the following to BAPSH Ltd
1a. The Foal/Horse Registration Application form
1b. The Application Form for Passport Re-Issue to Upgrade to Pedigree Registered Status
2. DNA Hair sample
3a.The Foal/Horse’s ID-Only or Partbred Passport issued by the Other PIO.
3b.An extended pedigree (if possible) for the non-BAPSH registered sire or dam
4. Sire/Dam’s Genetic Health Test Results Certificate (if not already submitted to BAPSH Ltd) for the Percheron or SNH parent/s. If the parent is not certified Negative then either that parent or the foal must be DNA tested for genetic diseases – see Genetic Typing and/or Testing information in Option 1 Details.
5. The Covering Certificate for PRE or SNH Stallions or a written signed statement of the Covering Details for Percheron Stallions.
6. A letter from yourself to the PIO which issued the ID-Only Passport requesting that the ID only Passport  for ‘XXXX’  is cancelled because ‘XXXX’  is now known to have a valid Pedigree and you wish to get a New-Reissue BAPSH Ltd Studbook Passport. The letter should also request that the ID Passport Vaccination pages are returned to BAPSH Ltd. BAPSH Ltd will take a complete copy of the ID-Only Passport and then send the Passport to the issuing PIO with your cancellation letter and a covering letter from BAPSH.
7.The current fee (£79.00) plus the fees for the following DNA tests where required – see below.

Genetic Typing and/or Testing & Last Steps – follow information in 2.1 above.

Above: Rancar Hercule, Spanish-Norman Colt. Sire: Amador 4 (PRE); Dam: Parfait de Beauvais (Percheron). Bred by Amanda Tomlinson.


PDF Download for Spanish-Norman Foal/Horse IMPORT REGISTRATION Instructions (as below)

Select One of these Three Options for the Registration of your Horse into the SNH Studbook
3.1. Import Registration and Overstamping the Foreign PIO Passport or the ID Only Passport
3.2. Import Registration, Cancellation of ID-Only or Partbred Passport, and re-issue of BAPSH Ltd Spanish-Norman Horse Pedigree Passport
3.3. Import Registration + New BAPSH Ltd Spanish-Norman Horse Pedigree Passport
Imported Spanish-Norman horses which were registered with the (in-active) Spanish-Norman Horse Registry, USA,  will be accepted into the BAPSH Ltd Spanish-Norman Horse Studbook once the required Import Registration Procedures have been completed and the Breeding Program requirements met.
Imported horses with certified PRE x Percheron parentage will also be considered for registration into the BAPSH Ltd Spanish-Norman Horse Studbook once the required Import Registration Procedures have been completed and the Breeding Program requirements met
If any of the Main Section requirements cannot be met the Horse will be Registered into the Spanish-Norman Horse Studbook Appendix.


Register the horse using this form  Imported Horse Registration Application form 2022 using a Vet to re-identify the horse as and send to BAPSH Ltd with the Passport to be Overstamped by BAPSH Ltd. We can provide an A4 registration certificate with the Pedigree details on it but this will be loose, not attached to the Passport. Registration Cost = £65.00
Owner and Vet
a) Breeder/Owner downloads the BAPSH Ltd  Imported Horse Registration Application form 2022 or requests a copy from the BAPSH Ltd Registry Office via email or the post (NOTE: there is a surcharge of  £5.00 for the BAPSH Office to print and post out application forms in order to cover the extra office costs.
b) The Owner completes the Breeder/Owner details in full, selects the ‘Human Food Chain Status’ for the foal, completes the pedigree, and signs and dates the declaration.
c) The Equine Vet completes the following:-
i) Fills out the Identification Diagram in full detail, marking EVERY Whorl and Feather on the Foal (including common Whorls), and gives a full written description including the IRIS Colour of the Eyes, and the Skin Colour underlying the hair. The Vet and the Owner should check that the ID Diagram Markings correctly correspond to the Horse’s actual Markings and that the Written Description does not accidentally Transpose any Markings from left to right or vice versa.
ii) Scans for the Microchip in the left-side of the neck in mid-crest, reads the Number and writes it directly into the Microchip Box on the Form
iii) Marks the exact location of the Microchip on the ID Diagram with an M in a Circle.
iv) Completes the Veterinary Declaration that the Microchip has been found and read by the Vet themself.
v) Pulls out 40 hairs by the roots from the Foal/Horse’s tail and places these in a clean paper envelope clearly labelled with the Horse’s Passport Name, DOB, Sex, and Parentage, and then the Vet signs and stamps across the seal of the envelope.
vi) The Vet then completes the bottom section of the Application Form in clear Capitals giving his/her Name and the Practice Address, Signs and Dates the form, and applies the Vet Practice Stamp in the box provided.

Send the following to BAPSH Ltd
1. The Horse Import Registration Application form
2. DNA Hair sample
3a.The Foal/Horse’s Passport issued by the Foreign PIO.
3b.An extended pedigree (if possible)
4. Sire/Dam’s Genetic Health Test Results Certificate where one of the parents has Percheron blood. If the SNH or Percheron parent is not certified Negative then either that parent or the foal must be DNA tested for PSSM1
5. Importation Travel Documents
6. Purchase Receipt or Purchase Contract or Transfer of Ownership Certificate
7. The current fee (£65.00) plus the fees for the following DNA tests where required – see below.

Genetic Typing and/or Testing
If genetic testing is required, the hair sample for the foal (or parent horse) is sent by BAPSH Ltd to Animal Genetics UK in order to have one or more of the following tests performed:-
a)  The test for PSSM1 is done if the Percheron lineage parent or parents is/are NOT certified Negative for this genetic disease.
NOTE:- Hair samples that are not used are stored securely in that horse’s own dossier.

BAPSH Ltd have a business agreement with Animal Genetics UK which gives all our clients a discount on the usual prices providing the DNA samples are submitted by BAPSH Ltd. The Animal Genetics Test application form will be completed by the BAPSH Registry Office upon receipt of the Hair Sample and the appropriate Fee. Please contact BAPSH Registry Office for the current prices for each Genetic Test.

Last Steps
When BAPSH receives certificates from Animal Genetics (if required) they are copied, and the original Certificates forwarded to the Owner. The Foal/Horse Registration is completed with the Original UELN unchanged, the Four Generation Pedigree created and Printed, the Passport Overstamped and Certified by BAPSH Ltd, and then all posted out to the Owner.

IMPORTANT NOTE:- The Full Vaccination Record and the Full Ownership Record within the Horse’s Original Passport will be faithfully and accurately copied into the Vaccination and Ownership pages of the New Re-Issue Pedigree Passport. No data will be lost as a result of cancellation and Re-Issue.
Imported Horse Registration Application form 2022
Follow the Procedure Detailed in Option 3.1 a), b), and c)
In addition download and complete ONLY Page 1 of the APPLICATION FORM for BAPSH Ltd Re-Issue Passport to Upgrade to Pedigree Registered Status 2022

Send the following to BAPSH Ltd
1a. The Foal/Horse Registration Application form
1b. The Application Form for Passport Re-Issue to Upgrade to Pedigree Registered Status
2. DNA Hair sample
3a.The Foal/Horse’s ID-Only or Partbred Passport issued by the Other PIO.
3b.An extended pedigree (if possible) for the non-BAPSH registered sire or dam
4. Sire/Dam’s Genetic Health Test Results Certificate (if not already submitted to BAPSH Ltd) where one of the parents is a purebred or partbred from the following breeds:- Quarter Horse, American Paint Horse, Appaloosa, Friesian, Warlander, Albion Azteca, or Spanish Spotted Saddle Horse. If the parent is not certified Negative then either that parent or the foal must be DNA tested for genetic diseases – see Genetic Typing and/or Testing information in Option 1 Details.
5. The Covering Certificate (in some cases a written signed statement of the Covering Details will be accepted if the Covering Certificate cannot be supplied; this is decided on a case by case basis)
6. A letter from yourself to the foreign PIO which issued the ID-Only/ Partbred Passport requesting that the Passport  for ‘XXXX’  is cancelled because ‘XXXX’  is now known to be a pedigree Spanish-Norman Horse and you wish to get a new Reissue BAPSH Ltd Spanish-Norman Horse Studbook Passport. The letter should also request that the ID Passport Vaccination pages are returned to BAPSH Ltd. BAPSH Ltd will take a complete copy of the ID-Only Passport and then send the Passport to the issuing PIO with your cancellation letter and a covering letter from BAPSH.
7. Importation Travel Documents
8. Purchase Receipt or Purchase Contract or Transfer of Ownership Certificate
9. The current fee (£95.00) plus the fees for DNA tests where required.

Last Steps

When BAPSH receives the required certificates from Animal Genetics they are copied, and the original Certificates forwarded to the Owner. The Foal/Horse Registration is completed with the Original UELN unchanged, the old ID-Passport is sent to the issuing PIO for cancellation, upon confirmation of cancellation the New Pedigree Registered Status Passport is issued and Printed by BAPSH Ltd, and then  posted out to the Owner.


 Imported Horse Registration Application form 2022
Follow the Procedure Detailed in Option 3.1 a), b), and c)
In addition download and complete ONLY Page 1 of the BAPSH Ltd NEW PASSPORT APPLICATION FORM 2022

Send the following to BAPSH Ltd
1a. The Foal/Horse Import Registration Application form
1b. The Application Form for A NEW BAPSH Ltd Passport and SNH Pedigree
2. DNA Hair sample
3a.The Foal/Horse’s Foreign Studbook Registration Certificate and proof of Ownership.
3b.An extended pedigree (if possible)
4. Sire/Dam’s Genetic Health Test Results Certificate where one of the parents has Percheron blood. If the SNH or Percheron parent is not certified Negative then either that parent or the foal must be DNA tested for PSSM1– see Genetic Testing information in Option 3. 1 Details.
5. Importation Travel Documents
6. Purchase Receipt or Purchase Contract or Transfer of Ownership Certificate
7.The current fee (£95.00) plus the fees for the DNA tests where required.

Last Steps

When BAPSH receives certificates from Animal Genetics (if required) they are copied, and the original Certificates forwarded to the Owner. The Foal/Horse Registration is completed with the Original UELN unchanged, the old ID-Passport is cancelled and the New Pedigree Registered Status Passport is issued and Printed by BAPSH Ltd, and then  posted out to the Owner.

Above: Silversons Valient, Spanish-Norman colt.
Sire: Cañaveral II (PRE), Dam: Eltra Little Gem (Percheron). Bred by Claire Lilliman.
