Stallions At Stud In The UK
Above: – Close to perfection – the fabulous NERO II
Twice Senior CH of Spain, and twice Junior CH of Spain
Search for your ideal Stallion for your Mare/s to be bred to in 2023 to using these BAPSH Ltd accredited Stallion Lists for UK resident Stallions.
You can be 100% confident that every Stallion listed will be correctly registered and passported with BAPSH Ltd and the ANCCE-LGPRE (if a PRE horse) in the correct and current Ownership.
These Stallions are all APPROVED FOR BREEDING and their Owners will be able to access and complete the essential Spanish or BAPSH Ltd Covering Certificates to ensure that next year’s Pedigree Foals can be Registered and Passported with ease and facility.
Stallion pedigree information, date of birth, breeding status, and other data will all have been checked and will be correct before they are listed.
- Spanish Purebred Stallions (PRE) Approved for Breeding Standing at Public Stud
New 2023 List LIVE via the above link – More than SEVENTY Stallions listed in Alphabetical order. Full pedigrees for PREs available from
Every Colour you can wish for including Grey, Bay, Black, Chestnut, Buckskin, Smokey Black, Palomino, Perlino, Cremello, Cream-Pearl, & Isabela
Heights ranging from 15.1hh to 17.0hh
Natural, AI Fresh, Chilled & Frozen
Located in England, Wales, Scotland & N.Ireland - PRE Fusion Horse Stallions, Albion Azteca Stallion, & Rocky Mountain Horse Stallion – Approved for Breeding – 2023
New 2023 list – SEVEN Stallions in a range of colours and bloodlines for your selection. All Approved for Breeding by BAPSH Ltd.
Ciclon Marismeño – GOLD Award PFH-B Stallion
- Spanish Spotted Saddle Horse Stallions Approved for Breeding, plus Recommended Appaloosa & Knabstrupper Stallions for Foundation SSSH production – 2023
New 2023 list – THREE SSSH Stallions plus FIVE recommended Stallions (Appaloosa & Knabstrupper) for siring Foundation generation SSSH from PRE mares
All Stallions on this SSSH list are tested Negative for PSSM1
Aztecs Ozomatli – GOLD Award SSSH Stallion
- Spanish-Norman Horse (SNH) Studbook – Recommended Percheron Stallions for Foundation SNH production – 2023
Unfortunately the sole Approved for Breeding Spanish-Norman Stallion in the UK has been castrated (no frozen semen) so for the next couple of years the breed’s numerical development will mainly depend upon Percheron x PRE matings and PRE x SNH mare matings. BAPSH present a list of Percheron Stallions recommended for breeding to PRE mares (16.0hh or bigger) for SNH production.
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Inclusion in our Stallions At Stud Lists is FREE.
When a Stallion is Approved for Breeding it is added to the relevant List providing it is registered correctly and resident in the UK and will be at public stud.
All Stallions are listed with Colour, Height, YOB, Grading Level, Coat Colour genes (where known), 1 or more 4 Photos, Sire & Dam,
Method of Covering and Approximate Location At Stud, Owner Name or Contact Name, contact details and website link (if available)
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