Studbooks & Breeds Registered







Breed In Development – ALBION AZTECA HORSE

PUREBRED SPANISH HORSE (PRE) – BAPSH Ltd Studbook for UK & Ireland, Affiliated to the ANCCE-LGPRE, Mother Studbook, Spain .
This Studbook was founded in the UK in September 1982 and is a ‘Closed’ Studbook for the PUREBRED SPANISH HORSE,  official name ‘Pura Raza Española’ and official abbreviation PRE. The original subtitle ‘Register I’ has been dispensed with as of 1st May 2020.

The PRE Mother Studbook (Libro-Genealogica) in Spain is managed on behalf of the Spanish Minstry of Agiculture (MAGRAMA) by the Breeders Organisation named  ‘Asociacion Nacional de Criadores de Caballo de Pura Raza Española’. This organisation is usually referred to by its initials – ANCCE ( – and the Studbook Department is referred to as the ANCCE-LGPRE.
Spanish and European legislation places the ANCCE-LGPRE in control of all aspects of PRE breeding, DNA Typing and Parentage Verification (at ANCCE-Lab in Seville) and the issuing of the PRE Certificate of Origin for every PRE Foal for every country in the World; visit their website to access the online interactive worldwide PRE Studbook pedigrees and data, and your ‘Private Breeder Zone if you have an ANCCE-LGPRE Breeder or Horse-Owner Code.  
BAPSH Ltd has been affiliated to the PRE Studbook in Spain since 1984. The ANCCE-LGPRE refer to their affiliated National Studbook organisations in other countries as National ‘Collaborating’ organisations; ALL PRE related Services, including Foal Registrations, and Queries from Breeders & Owners living Outside Spain are handled entirely by the National ‘Collaborating’ organisation where the Breeder/Owner lives.  Thus BAPSH Ltd are responsible for the receipt and processing of all Services, Enquiries, and Procedures for Breeders and Owners of PRE Horses  in the UK and Ireland.
BREXIT has resulted in some changes in the way BAPSH Ltd is required to handle foal registration and passport production for UK foals, but we continue to interact closely with the ANCCE-LGPRE on a daily basis via our secure internet office and banking links.
Purebred Spanish Horse Studbook Divisions:-
The PRE Studbook is composed of a Main Section made up of the Birth Register, the Permanent Register, and the Non-Reproductive Register.
The Permanent Register has within it 4 Classes for horses with Outstanding genetic qualities determined by various means:-
Register of Young Recommended Reproducers (JRR)
Register of Calificado Breeding Stock
Register of Major Recommended Reproducers (MRR)
Register of Elite Breeding Stock
There is also a Register of Merits for horses in the Permanent Register who stand out due to their own merits or those of their descendants.
GO TO – FORMS;INFORMATION;DOCUMENTS; BAPSH & ANCCE to download the forms you need if you are familiar with the necessary procedures.
GO TO – REGISTRY FEES FOR ALL SERVICES 2023 to find out what each Service costs.
GO TO – REGISTERING PRE IMPORTS for information and Application forms to get your PRE registered in the UK within the Legal 30 days after arrival here.
GO TO – ANCCE-LGPRE BREEDER & HORSE-OWNER CODES – You MUST have an ANCCE-LGPRE Breeder Code BEFORE you can breed or register or grade a PRE horse
GO TO – PRE BREEDING APPROVAL / GRADING/ EVALUATIONS for Information on how to get your PRE APPROVED FOR BREEDING and lots of advice and pictorials to assist you.
GO TO – PRE COVERING CERTIFICATES & BREEDING CONTRACTS for information on what you MUST do when you Stand a PRE Stallion At Stud or Breed From a PRE Mare. Also the various Essential Breeding Contracts for Loaning A Mare & for Storing or Selling Semen.
GO TO –  REGISTERING PRE FOALS for Information on how to register your PRE Foal.
GO TO – UK BREEDERS & STUDFARMS, AFFIXES & BRANDS to discover who breeds PRE Horses in your area, to get your own Studfarm Affix for naming your foals and which Affixes are already taken, and how to register your own Stud Brand and to look at the Brands already registered in the UK.

PRE FUSION HORSE  (PFH) –  BAPSH Ltd Mother Studbook.
Founded in September 1982 under the title of Register II PRE Partbred Studbook in order to register and promote the breeding of versatile horses based upon a minimum of 25% PRE ‘Approved For Breeding’ blood.
Following upon the publication and adoption of the EU Zootechnical Law EU 2016/1012 in Britain, it has been essential to completely re-organise the structure of the Register II Partbred PRE Studbook  in order to meet the EU legislation. Register II has been re-titled ‘PRE FUSION HORSE STUDBOOK’ and is classed as a PUREBREED STUDBOOK  by DEFRA (6th August 2019) in the same manner that Sports-horse and Warmblood Studbooks may combine a wide variety of breeds but are still viewed as Pure-breed Studbooks under EU regulations.
PRE Fusion Horse Studbook Divisions:-
Main Studbook – The majority of the horses that were originally registered in the Partbred PRE Studbook are now registered in the PRE Fusion Horse Main Studbook and are elevated to Pure-breed Status. The Main Studbook is divided into Classes 1 to 5 which are determined by the % of Approved For Breeding PRE blood  in each horse.
Appendix-A – Horses with full parentage but a problem with paperwork are entered into Appendix-A.
Appendix-B – Horses of PRE Fusion-type with un-certified or undocumented PRE ancestry are entered into Appendix-B.
Under EU Zootechnic Law these Appendix A & B horses are classed as complying with the Breed Standard and Criteria of the PRE Fusion Horse but unable to meet all the documentation requirements so they are in the Appendices and not the Main Studbook. Under certain circumstances, Appendix-A horses can be Upgraded to the Main Studbook.
Also, in response to the Zootechnics legislation EU 2016/1012, BAPSH has closed the Register IV Studbook, as per the requirements of EU Law, and these horses have been moved to the PRE Fusion Horse Studbook Appendix-B .
Detailed Information on the PRE FUSION HORSE Breed Standard, Breeding Program, Foal Registration, Breeding Approval & Performance Awards.
GO TO – FORMS;INFORMATION;DOCUMENTS; BAPSH to download the forms you need if you are familiar with the necessary procedures.
GO TO – REGISTRY FEES FOR ALL SERVICES 2023 to find out what each Service costs.

 HISPANO-ARAB STUDBOOK  (HA) – BAPSH Ltd Studbook for UK & Ireland, filial Studbook to the UEGHá, Mother Studbook, Spain.
The BAPSH Ltd HA Studbook was founded in 1987 as a breeding Studbook, known as Register III,  affiliated to the HA Mother Studbook managed by FESCCR in Spain, operating under the rules and regulations laid down by the Spanish Government. The BAPSH HA Studbook (Register III) operated in a similar way to the BAPSH PRE Studbook (Register I), with annual visits from the Spanish Studbook authorities to inscribe foals and Grade adults for reproductive approval. This continued for 20 years until the closure of the FESCCR by the Spanish Government in 2007.
In 2008 management of the breeding/ foal registration aspects of the BAPSH HA Studbook was handed by the Spanish Government to the ‘Unión Española de Ganaderos de Pura Raza Hispano-Árabe’  (UEGHá) This resulted in the closure of the BAPSH Ltd Hispano-Arab Register III as a breeding Studbook in December 2013 in accordance with the wishes of the UEGHá Directors at that time, and all Studbook  activities reverted to UEGHá in Spain.
Since 2013 there have been no Breeding Evaluations/Gradings for UK resident Hispano-Arabs, and HA breeding has reduced to very low levels.
The realities of Brexit and the New EU Zootechnics legislation have created an impetus for change. DEFRA has advised BAPSH Ltd to again take up the management of Hispano-Arab foal registrations and passports from January 2021 onwards in order to ensure the HA horses are entered onto the DEFRA Central Equine Database as required by law.
BAPSH has re-opened the BAPSH Hispano-Arab Studbook for UK breeders/owners of Hispano-Arabs, and the first HA horse was Graded and Approved for Breeding in October 2021 after an interval of 14 years without Gradings.
Hispano-Arab Studbook Divisions:-
The HA Studbook is composed of a Main Section made up of the Birth Register and the Definitive Register (Horses Approved For Breeding), and an Annexed Section containing the Auxiliary Register.
The Birth Register and the Definitive Register are both subdivided into Section A and Section B which are determined by the parentage of the horses.
The Definitive Register Sections A and B have within them 4 Classes determined by various merits:-
Register of Young Recommended Reproducers
Register of Calificado Reproducers
Register of Major Recommended Reproducers
Register of Elite Reproducers
Auxillary Register:- Mares and Stallions of unknown pedigree but good Hispano-Arab type are entered into the Auxillary Studbook after detailed assessments by the governing body of the UEGHá; the stallions also have to have proven themselves in competition.
Progeny of Auxillary mares/stallions will be registered into Part B of the Main Hispano-Arab Studbook providing the other parent is an Approved For Breeding HA.
GO TO – HISPANO-ARAB STUDBOOK in the UK  For more detailed Information on the HISPANO-ARAB HORSE’s Breed Standard, Studbook Divisions, Breeding Program, Foal Registration, Breeding Approval & Performance Awards in the UK after BREXIT.
GO TO – FORMS;INFORMATION;DOCUMENTS; BAPSH to download the forms you need if you are familiar with the necessary procedures.
GO TO – REGISTRY FEES FOR ALL SERVICES 2023 to find out what each Service costs.

Breed development begun in 1998; originally horses of this breed were registered within the old Register II PRE Partbred Studbook.
The publication and adoption of the EU Zootechnical Law EU 2016/1012 in Britain required many changes in the way Studbooks/Registers are organised and regulated to meet the new Equine law.
The Spanish Spotted Saddle Horse Studbook was created in January 2019 and the new SSSH Breeding Programme was drawn-up in February 2019, incorporating all the new EU Equine law.
Following guidance and advice from DEFRA, the SSSH Breeding Programme was revised and updated in May 2020 in preparation for submission to the EU after Brexit. The new Breeding Programme was approved by DEFRA and FAnGR on 26th July 2021 and the Spanish Spotted Saddle Horse is now a recognised UK breed with BAPSH as the mother studbook.
Spanish Spotted Saddle Horse Studbook Divisions:-
Main Studbook – For non-grey Foals/Horses with the Lp gene which meet ALL the criteria for entry into the Main Studbook
Appendix A:- Horses of known parentage but they don’t quite meet the SSSH Main Studbook criteria or documentation issues prevent registration in the SSSH Main Studbook.
Appendix B:-  Horses which comply with the SSSH breed characteristics laid down in the breeding programme but do not comply with the parentage criteria.
Upgrading to SSSH Main Studbook for the horse itself or its progeny is possible under certain circumstances. See SSSH Studbook regulations by clicking on link Below
For more detailed Information on the SPANISH SPOTTED SADDLE HORSE’s Breed Standard, Breeding Program, Foal Registration, Breeding Approval & Performance Awards.
GO TO – FORMS;INFORMATION;DOCUMENTS; BAPSH to download the forms you need if you are familiar with the necessary procedures.
GO TO – REGISTRY FEES FOR ALL SERVICES 2023 to find out what each Service costs.

Breed development begun in 2005 in the UK; originally horses of this breed were registered within the old Register II PRE Partbred Studbook.
The publication and adoption of the EU Zootechnical Law EU 2016/1012 in Britain required many changes in the way Studbooks/Registers are organised and regulated to meet the new Equine law.
The Spanish-Norman Horse Studbook was created in January 2019 and the new SNH Breeding Programme was drawn-up in February 2019, incorporating all the new EU Equine law.
Following guidance and advice from DEFRA, the SNH Breeding Programme was revised and updated in May 2020 in preparation for submission to the EU after Brexit.
The new Breeding Programme was approved by DEFRA and FAnGR on 24th February 2021 and the Spanish-Norman Horse is now a recognised UK breed with BAPSH as the mother studbook.
Spanish-Norman Horse Studbook Divisions:-
Main Studbook – For Foals/Horses which meet ALL the criteria for entry into the  SNH Main Studbook.
Appendix:- Horses of known parentage but they don’t quite meet the SNH Main Studbook criteria or documentation issues prevent registration in the Main Studbook.
Upgrading to the SNH Main Studbook for the horse itself or its progeny is possible under certain circumstances – see SNH Studbook regulations by clicking on link Below
For more detailed Information on the SPANISH-NORMAN HORSE’s Breed Standard, Breeding Program, Foal Registration, Breeding Approval & Performance Awards.
GO TO – FORMS;INFORMATION;DOCUMENTS; BAPSH to download the forms you need if you are familiar with the necessary procedures.
GO TO – REGISTRY FEES FOR ALL SERVICES 2023 to find out what each Service costs.

ALBION AZTECA HORSE (AAH) – BAPSH Ltd Mother Studbook – under development.
This Breed began development in the late 1990s, but unfortunately due to equine deaths and exports, and the small number of breeders producing AAH foals, the Albion Azteca Horse Breeding Programme cannot yet be submitted to DEFRA for approval.
However the Albion Azteca Horse Breed Standard, the Studbook Divisions and Classes, and the provisional Breeding Programme including Grading and Performance Awards are in place and published on this website to enable the Albion Azteca Horse to continue to develop and progress.
The AAH Breeding Programme will be submitted to DEFRA for Approval once the number of Breeders and AAH foals born annually have increased significantly. Meanwhile AAH foals are issued with AAH Studbook Pedigree Certificates and ID-Only BAPSH Passports as per DEFRA’s requirements or they can be registered as PRE Fusion Horses – Class AAH.
AAH Studbook (under development) Divisions:-
Main:- For Foals/Horses which meet ALL the criteria for entry into the  AAH Main Section
The Main Section is divided into Classes A to D following the same classification system as the Azteca Studbook of Mexico.
Appendix:- Horses of known parentage but they don’t quite meet the AAH Main Section criteria or documentation issues prevent registration in the Main Section. Upgrading to AAH Main Section for the horse itself or its progeny is possible under certain circumstances – see AAH regulations by clicking on link Below
GO TO – ALBION AZTECA HORSE  For more detailed Information on the ALBION AZTECA HORSE Breed Standard, proposed Breeding Program, Foal Registration, Breeding Approval (Grading)  & Performance Awards.
GO TO – FORMS;INFORMATION;DOCUMENTS; BAPSH to download the forms you need if you are familiar with the necessary procedures.
GO TO –  REGISTRY FEES FOR ALL SERVICES 2023 to find out what each Service costs.

REGISTER IV – 1994 to 31st January 2019. NOW CLOSED.
All horses in the Register IV Studbook have been upgraded to Purebreed PRE Fusion Horse Status and moved to the PRE Fusion Horse Studbook Appendix-A or Appendix-B. This change is in response to the regulations within the new EU Zootechnics legislation – EU 2016/1012 which has been adopted by the UK.

OTHER BREEDS REGISTERED by BAPSH Ltd via the PRE Fusion Horse Studbook.
The Breeds listed below all descend from a foundation stock of Purebred Spanish Horses (PRE) established hundreds of years ago and each has evolved uniquely according to their country of development. Currently the breeds below have only a small number of representatives in the UK and no UK Studbook PIO specifically for their Breed,  and none likely to be permitted under DEFRA’s current policies.
Imported Horses must be registered with a UK Equine Passport Issuing Office (PIO) and their data uploaded to the DEFRA Central Equine Database within 30 days of arrival in the UK in order to comply with UK & EU Passport legislation. BAPSH Ltd can register imported horses with a historic connection to the PRE breed or which meet the PRE Fusion Horse type requirements. An existing Pedigree or ID Passport can be updated and Overstamped, or a Pedigree passport can be issued for non EU horses with registration applications accompanied by Certified Pedigree Certificates from recognised overseas Studbooks..

ROCKY MOUNTAIN HORSE – A Breed founded in the USA  over a 100 years ago, with a thriving American Breed organisation (RMHA) and Studbook. There is a small but rapidly growing population of Rocky Mountain Horses in the UK and BAPSH are pleased to be able to provide them with UK PFH and DEFRA CED registration and pedigree passports due to the breed’s general compliance with PFH type requirements and the excellent documentation from the RMHA

MALLORQUINA HORSE  –  Mother Studbook was originally held by the FESCCR, Spain; since 2008 it is held by the Associació de Criadors i Propietaris de Cavalls de Pura Raça Mallorquina (ACPCRMa) , Balearic Islands, Spain.
2018 Breed Census showed a population of only 320 pedigree Mallorquina Horses.

MENORQUINA HORSE – Mother Studbook was originally held by the FESCCR, Spain; since 2008 it is held by the Associació de Criadors i Propietaris de Cavalls de Pura Raça Menorquina (ACPCRMe), Spain. Population significantly larger than its Mallorqua island cousin; 2011 Census showed 2,988 registered Menorquina horses.
In 2022 DEFRA and BAPSH Ltd agreed to the extension of the ACPCRMe Breeding Program into the UK, and this enables the ACPCRMe to register and issue EU passports for all Menorquino foals born in the UK, BUT it is important to remember that UK Law requires every foal to also be registered with a UK PIO and have it’s ACPCRMe passport overstamped in order to register the foal/horse with the DEFRA CED. BAPSH Ltd are able to provide this service for UK born and imported Menorquino horses.

WARLANDER HORSE (Minimum 25% PRE – Maximum 75%) A Breed founded in the USA, and now the Mother Studbook is centred in Australia. Warlanders can be registered into the PRE Fusion Studbook upon presentation of their Warlander Studbook Pedigree Certificate and the PFH registration application form.
BAPSH will issue Warlander Foals/Horses with Pedigree Passports via the PRE Fusion Horse Studbook.

The following North American Breeds with Certified Pedigrees issued by the relevant US Studbook/Register can also be registered in the PRE Fusion Horse Studbook and have BAPSH Ltd Passports issued:-

The above list is not exclusive and we will assess the possibility of registering other breeds descended from the Purebred Spanish Horse on a case-by-case basis.
Please contact BAPSH Ltd  by Email to