Albion Azteca Horse

(In Development)

Albion Azteca Stallion


In the 1970s a group of distinguished Mexican horsemen began a quest to produce a horse with the agility, quickness and cow sense to work on their cattle ranches; it was to be a replacement for the nearly extinct Mexican Criollo Horse.  For this project they chose the Purebred Spanish Horse (Pura Raza Española or PRE), once known as the Andalusian Horse of Spain, to cross with their American Quarter Horses and the local Criollo mares descended from the Spanish Horses brought into the Americas 400 years earlier.  
The Purebred Spanish Horse is an ancient and relatively rare breed.  They are very sturdy with long and sloping shoulders, natural collection and extremely tough legs and hooves.  Sought after for quiet temperament, they are easily handled, yet have a reserve of energy when called upon. Spanish Horses throughout history were revered for their abilities when used as a warhorse.  These same skills are still in daily usage in Spain and Portugal to work cattle out in the vast fields and to test the notorious fighting bulls.  When in the bull ring the Spanish Horses carry their riders with unimaginable grace, speed and courage. Today 80% of modern breeds, including the Quarter Horse, trace back to the illustrious horse of Spain and Portugal.  Thus the Mexican horsemen strived to combine both the New and Old World horse breeds, hoping to result in a noble, docile, agile proud spectacular horse which would be very easy to train

 The results were astounding.  A horse with speed, heart, stamina, grace and outstanding disposition and ability to learn was created, and that horse not only possessed the ability to work their ranches, but also the versatility to have many other uses.  So the Azteca was born, and the Asociacion Mexicana de Criadores de Caballos de Raza Azteca was founded in 1972 to establish parameters for the new breed and determine the regulations for inclusion in their registry. The breeders association was officially recognized by the Agriculture and Cattle Secretary of the Mexican government, and they worked together with veterinarians and experts in genetics and breeding to develop a scientific breeding program for the Azteca horse.

In the years following the studbooks establishment, the Azteca breed has acquired so much recognition, it has earned the title of  ‘The National Horse of Mexico’ – ‘El Caballo Azteca’

Azteca Stallion immaculately turned out in Mexican tack and attire, performing ‘Piaffe’ for his Mexican rider.

The Mexican Studbook for the Azteca Horses has rigorous selection requirements that require 6 month old foals to be inspected by a Mexican Studbook representative before the foal can be registered into their Studbook. This admirable strategy has unfortunately been impossible for Azteca breeders in other countries to comply with. This difficulty initially prevented the registration of any Azteca foals born outside Mexico and has led to the creation of 3 slightly divergent versions of the Azteca Horse with their own Studbooks, firstly in America – the ‘American Azteca’, then in Australia – the ‘Australian Azteca’, and finally in Great Britain – the ‘Albion Azteca’. However all three of these Studbooks fully recognise and accept for registration Azteca horses registered in the Asociacion Mexicana de Criadores de Caballos de Raza Azteca (Mexican Azteca Studbook). The Albion Azteca Horse is composed of horses resulting from a fusion of PRE and Quarter Horse or American Paint Horse blood with a minimum/maximum balance of 25%-75% PRE Blood combined with the other two breeds. A small % of TB blood (maximum 25%) is accepted in Albion Azteca foundation horses via a PRE Fusion sire or dam, or via a QH/APHA sire or dam.

Currently the BAPSH Ltd Albion Azteca Horse Studbook is still in the development phase pending approval of the AAH Breeding Programme by DEFRA when the numbers in the AAH Studbook are sufficiently large. Meanwhile Albion Aztecas are registered as a separate Class AAH within the PRE Fusion Horse Studbook to enable the AAH horses to have full pedigree passports during the journey to full breed status in the UK.


General Description
This breed should demonstrate the best qualities of both parent breeds with a proud bearing, agility, beauty,  and a willing kind temperament from the PRE, and extra strength, speed, and heart from the QH. The ideal Albion Azteca stands naturally square and proud and has an appearance of balance and roundness, under saddle the ideal Albion Azteca is incredibly athletic and smooth to ride.

Right: Aztec Aventurero, Approved Breeding Stallion AAH Class B. Owned by Michelle Snelling. Bred by Karen Collison.

Head – The head is of medium size, lean and elegant, with a slightly convex or straight profile with a broad forehead, Eyes – expressive and set well apart. Ears – small to medium ears and erect which are mobile and well-placed.  

Neck and Body – The neck is well-muscled, shapely and slightly arched with a medium crest and a broad base to where it joins onto a long sloping shoulder.   The withers are broad and well muscled yet defined. The back is fairly short, straight and strong, disappearing into a broad, well-rounded croup showing distinct division. The girth is deep and full.  The hindquarters are strong and well muscled leading to a well set medium to low tail.  

Forelimbs -A freely moving shoulder blade and upper arm. The fore-legs are clean, well muscled with dense bone, good joints and strong hooves.

Hindlimbs – A mobile hip-joint and strong freely moving stifle and hock joints. The hind-legs are well muscled with dense bone, good joints and strong hooves. 

Movement – Their movement is naturally collected with a variance of knee action from high and brilliant to long and flowing, but always athletic and smoothly functional.  The addition of 25% Thoroughbred blood in the Foundation stock of the Albion Azteca Horse contributes to improved galloping ability suitable for Eventing and Jumping horses.

Height – Average height ranges from 15.0hh (152.5cm) to 16.0hh (162.5cm)

Colour – All colours and dilutions are permitted. White Spotting genes (eg,Tobiano, Overo, Splashed White, Sabino, Roan and Dominant White series) other than Spotting caused by Leopard complex (Lp) are permitted, including loudly marked white patterns derived from APHA foundation stock.

Mane and Tail – A long flowing mane and tail are often seen, particularly in the Albion Aztecas with a higher proportion of PRE blood.  

Aptitudes – A versatile breed ideal for English and Western pleasure riding and competitions, Le Trec, Working Equitation, and many other areas of Equestrian activity or Sport.   

Above: Aztec Vespertino – first time on the beach after being backed.
Showing the good temperament expected from the Albion Azteca Horse.
Owned by Paul Snelling. Bred by Karen Collison.

Download the Albion Azteca Horse Breed Standard
a) AAH Breed Standard with Photos
b) AAH Breed Standard Text Only


Development To A Self-Sustaining Breed with 37.5% to 62.5% PRE Blood

The Albion Azteca Horse is a Purebred based upon foundation bloodlines from Approved for Breeding PRE Horses bred to pedigree Quarter Horses or American Paint Horses and pedigree Azteca Horses imported from the USA..
The goal of this Studbook is the development of a UK population of Albion Azteca horses with a broad genetic background based upon top quality PRE and Quarter Horse ancestral foundation stock from different bloodlines, enabling Class A Albion Aztecas to be bred within the breed as laid out in the Percentage Breeding Chart below. This Albion Azteca gene-pool may be supported and enhanced by the occasional introduction of new bloodlines via first cross Foundation generation breedings (Class D).

Percentage Breeding Chart

PRE to QH 50% 50% D  
QH to Azteca D 25% 75% C  
PRE to Azteca D 75% 25% B  
PRE to Azteca C 62.5% 37.5% A  
QH to Azteca B 37.5% 62.5% A  
Azteca B-Azteca C 50% 50% A      
Azteca B-Azteca D 62.5% 37.5% A  
Azteca A-Azteca A     A  
Azteca A to QH orAPH     A  
Azteca A to PRE     A  
Azteca A to B, C, D     A  


Foal Registration Criteria for Entry into Main Studbook 

 Right: Albion Azteca Class D colt with 25% PRE blood, Aztec Bandolero. Bred by Karen Collison

A Foal will be registered into the Main Studbook providing:-   
a) the Foal’s parents meet the Main Studbook Breeding criteria
b) the Foal is DNA typed and parentage tested if any of the following criteria have not been met with:-
i) the Covering Certificate must have been submitted to the BAPSH Registry Office within 1 month of the last Covering date
ii) the Foal must be 5 months old or less when the Registration application form is completed by the Vet
iii) the Foal must be at Foot with its mother.
c) the Foal does not have PSSM1 gene. If the Quarter Horse or APHA lineage parent/s is/are certified PSSM1 negative then the foal does not need to be tested for PSSM1.

See ‘FOAL REGISTRATION PROCEDURE‘ lower down the page for forms and details.

IMPORTED HORSES – Criteria for Entry into Main Studbook

All Azteca horses which are registered with one of the 3 recognised Studbooks in the world (AMCCRA, Mexico; AAHIA, USA;  AAHR, Australia) will be accepted into the BAPSH Ltd Albion Azteca Main Studbook when their Import registration application with BAPSH Ltd is completed providing they are PSSM1 Negative.

 Left is pictured OSR Phoenix Spirit, an American-bred Azteca Class A filly by SRO Brioso (Azteca Class B) ex QH mare. Phoenix was imported into Britain by Rachel Henderson (nee Maclennan-Baird) in 2004 as part of the foundation stock for her Azteca breeding programme.



Entry of other Purebred Equine Breeds is Not Permitted
Equines of another Purebred breed cannot be admitted directly into the Albion Azteca Horse Studbook, but breeders may continue to introduce new blood into their breeding program via first cross products between Approved for Breeding PRE horses and Quarter Horses or American Paint Horses which are registered with a recognised Studbook.  The Studbook is not open to any other breed.


1. PRE sire or dam is Not Approved for Breeding
2. PRE Fusion sire or Albion Azteca sire is Not Approved for Breeding
3a. Incorrect procedures with Covering Certificate or Foal is not at foot with dam, but Foal has No DNA Type and parentage test.
3b. Genetic Tests for inheritable defects are not completed.


Appendix horses may be upgraded into the Main Albion Azteca Horse Studbook once they or their progeny comply with the following requirements, the failure of which has led them to being placed in the Appendix:
1) The PRE parent or Grandparent lacking Breeding Approval, is Approved for Breeding by the ANCCE-LGPRE.
2) The Albion Azteca Stallion is Approved for Breeding.
3) The Appendix horse has a full DNA Type and Parentage compatibility test completed and the Certificate sent to the BAPSH (in cases where the Covering Certificate/foal at Foot criteria were not met with).
4) The Genetic Tests for inheritable defects are completed and are Negative.


ALL Changes MUST be Registered with BAPSH Ltd within 30DAYS of the Date of Change.
BAPSH will register the new information in the Studbook and  the DEFRA Central Equine Database, and Update the Horse Passport/s and return it/them to the Owner by Signed For Delivery.

1.NEW Owner – THE CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP MUST BE REGISTERED WITH BAPSH Ltd WITHIN 30 DAYS OF THE PURCHASE DATE. When you are Buying OR Selling a Horse – The SELLER must complete, SIGN & date a BAPSH Ltd TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP Application Form 2022 showing the date of sale, the purchaser’s name, address & other contact details clearly; the BUYER must SIGN & date the Buyer section. Send the Horse’s PASSPORT, the Transfer Application Form, & Fee to the BAPSH Ltd Registrar within 30 days of the Sale.

BAPSH  recommends that the Seller sends the Transfer of Ownership & Passport to BAPSH as soon as the sale is completed and BEFORE the horse travels to its new home, so that the horse is registered in the New Ownership when it leaves the Seller’s property.

2.Change of Address or Other Contact Details – NEW ADDRESS or CONTACT DETAILS MUST BE REGISTERED WITH BAPSH Ltd WITHIN 30 DAYS OF THE HOUSE MOVE. Download the CHANGE OF ADDRESS Form , complete the form and send it with your Horse Passports that are registered with BAPSH Ltd to the Registry Office with the appropriate fees within 30 days of your change of address.

3. Change of Surname – NEW SURNAME DETAILS MUST BE REGISTERED WITH BAPSH Ltd WITHIN 30 DAYS OF THE NAME CHANGE. Download the CHANGE OF SURNAME Form 2022 , complete the form and make a COPY of your MARRIAGE or DIVORCE Certificate or Other Legal Certificate of Name Change. Send both these Documents with your Horse Passports that are registered with BAPSH Ltd to the Registry Office with the appropriate fees within 30 days of your Change of Name.

4.Death of OwnerThe death of the Owner of a BAPSH registered horse should be notified by letter or email to BAPSH Ltd as soon as possible after the event, and WITHIN 30 DAYS. Thereafter, BAPSH should be informed of the Estate Executor’s Name and Contact Details and be sent a copy of the part of the Horse Owner’s Will which determines the disposition of the Horse/s plus any other relevant information about the proposed actions in relation to the Horse/s.


1. Castration/Gelding – DATE & PLACE OF GELDING MUST BE CERTIFIED BY THE VET & THE CHANGE OF STATE REGISTERED WITH BAPSH Ltd WITHIN 30 DAYS OF THE OPERATION. Download the GELDING CERTIFICATION Form 2022 and complete the horse’s details then get the Vet that performed the Operation to SIGN & date the form and STAMP it with the Vet Practice Stamp. Send the completed form, the Horse’s Passport, and the fee to BAPSH Ltd Registry Office within 30 days of the Operation.

2.Death of Horse – THE DEATH OF A HORSE MUST BE REPORTED TO THE UK PIO FOR THAT HORSE AND THE PASSPORT RETURNED TO THAT PIO FOR CANCELLATION WITHIN 30 DAYS OF THE HORSE’S DEATH. Download the DEATH NOTIFICATION Form 2022 and send the completed form with the Horse’s Passport to the BAPSH Ltd Office for cancellation within 30 days of death. The information update & passport cancellation will be free of charge.
Owners may request the passport’s return if they pay the Fee to cover the extra cancellation work required and the cost of postage and packing.

3.Export of Horse – It is a Legal Requirement to keep accurate records of the Horses living in the UK. When a Horse is Exported from the UK it is essential that the BAPSH Studbook is informed within 10 days of the Horse’s departure so that the Studbook and the DEFRA CED can be Updated accordingly. Download the EXPORT NOTIFICATION Form and send the completed form with a Copy of the Intra-Trade Certificate or Equivalent Travel Document to BAPSH Ltd as soon as the Horse has actually left the UK.

4.Change of Colour/ Markings/Scars – Some Horses have their Coat Colour misidentified by the Vet at their original Foal Identification, especially horses that go Grey very slowly, other Horses have White Markings that expand or shrink over time or they acquire Scars that were not on the original ID sheet. If this is the situation for your horse then you must get the Horse’s Passport and Studbook records Updated in the following way:-
a) Acquired Scars or changed/new White Markings – Email the BAPSH Ltd office – with good resolution Photos of acquired Scars or changes in White Markings and send the Horse’s Passport to BAPSH Ltd by tracked post for the changes to be officially added to the Passport, to the Studbook Records, and to the DEFRA CED. Pay the £20.00 fee for the updates.
b) Alteration of Coat Colour recorded in Passport & databases – for a major change in coat colour definition (other than greying or non-greying) send a genetic Coat colour test certificate from a reputable Genetics Laboratory with the Horse’s Passport to BAPSH Ltd by tracked post for the changes to be officially added to the Passport, to the Studbook Records, and to the DEFRA CED. Pay the £20.00 fee for the updates.


Above: Spectacular Azteca Stallion ridden by Sebastian Zarate, in Mexican Charro attire, during their display at the 2006 Onion Festival, Texas, USA.

Albion Azteca Stallions must be registered with BAPSH Ltd in the appropriate Main Studbook, DNA Typed and parentage confirmed. Stallions will have been PSSM1 tested negative as a foal or will be born from PSSM negative QH/APHA lineage. The Stallion must be over 3 yrs old and have been assessed by the Breeding Evaluation Team and awarded 5/10 or higher (see paragraph on Breeding Evaluation below for details).

Albion Azteca Mares may be assessed in the same manner as the Stallions; breeders and mare owners are recommended to undertake the assessment which provides valuable information for the breed and breeding programmes. At present there is no barr upon breeding from Albion Azteca mares which have not been assessed, but they must be negative for PSSM1.

PRE sire or dam must be Approved for Breeding at the Basic level by the ANCCE-LGPRE.

Quarter Horse or American Paint Horse Stallions and Mares must be over 3 yrs old, and registered with the AQHAUK or the UKPHA or another recognised Quarter Horse or APHA Studbook, and must be tested negative for PSSM1.
PRE Fusion Stallions or Mares with bloodlines compliant to the Albion Azteca breeding programme may be used for breeding if approved by the BAPSH Ltd.
Aside from the above requirements, the Breeder is responsible for the choice of breeding animals according to their breeding program.


Natural Covering in-hand or running out with mares

Artificial insemination fresh, chilled and frozen is permitted. Covering Certificates are issued as normal by the BAPSH Ltd upon receipt of a request from the Stallion owner. All Stallions must be over 3yrs old before being collected for AI.

Embryo Transfer is permitted using PRE, Quarter Horse or other similar mares of good temperament as the host/s to ensure transmission of good temperament to the foals.. Albion Azteca mares may have more than one foal registered from them each year via the use of host mares. All Mares must be over 3 yrs old before being put in foal.

Above: ‘Latin’ a 16.2hh Black Mexican-bred Azteca Class B Stallion, located in the USA.


Covering Certificates for PRE Stallions and Albion Azteca Stallions can be obtained from the BAPSH Registry Office. Quarter Horses and American Paint Horse Covering Certificates must be obtained from the relevant Studbook with which that stallion is registered.
1.The Covering Certificate should be issued after the mare is covered , and a COPY sent to the BAPSH Registry Office either by EMAIL or by Post within ONE Month of the Last Covering Date.
2. The foal should be registered with BAPSH Ltd whilst it is at foot with its Dam and BEFORE FIVE months old.
If either of these requirements is NOT met then the Foals MUST DNA Typed and Parentage Tested at the time of registration.


The Application To Register A Foal should be Completed and Sent to the BAPSH Ltd Registry Office BEFORE the Foal reaches FIVE Months old so that Genetic Tests are completed, and the NEW Passport Created, Printed and Issued to the Owner BEFORE the Foal is SIX Months Old, as required by UK Equine Law.
Foal Registration Applications Received AFTER the Foal is 5Months Old are charged LATE FEES of £10 per month or Part-month until the Registration Application Form is received in the BAPSH Ltd Registry Office.
Owners who want to Register older horses, without any Passport, into the Albion Azteca Horse Studbook should contact the BAPSH Ltd Registry Office directly to discuss how to proceed with registering an older horse without a passport.

Below: Aztec Aventurero – AAH ClassB colt & Aztec Delfina Montana, AAH Class D mare. Photo Karen Collison (Breeder)

Breeder/Owner downloads the BAPSH Ltd Albion Azteca Foal Registration Form – 2022 or requests a copy from the BAPSH Ltd Registry Office.
The Owner completes the Breeder/Owner details in full, selects the ‘Human Food Chain Status’ for the foal, completes the pedigree.
The Equine Vet completes the following:-
i) a detailed identification diagram and full written description,
ii) inserts the Microchip in the left-side of the neck in mid-crest
iii) marks the location of the Microchip on the ID Diagram
iv) pulls out 40 hairs by the roots from the foal’s tail and places these in a paper envelope clearly labelled with the foal’s 1st Choice Name DOB Sex and Parentage, and then the Vet signs and stamps across the seal.

The Foal Registration form and DNA sample are sent to BAPSH Ltd with copies of the Parents Registration documents with 4 generation pedigree, Genetic Health Test Results (if available) for Quarter Horse, American Paint Horse, or Albion Azteca parent/s, & copies of parents’ passports, and the Mare Owner’s Section of the Covering Certificate, plus the appropriate fee to include the fees for the following DNA tests where required.
If genetic testing is required, the hair sample is sent by BAPSH Ltd to Animal Genetics UK, with whom we have an agreement, in order to have one or more of the following tests performed:-
a) If the Covering Certificate and Registration application time-frames were not adhered to the Foal must be DNA Typed and parentage tested. 
b) The test for PSSM is done if the QH or APH lineage parent or parents is/are NOT certified Negative for this genetic disease.
Hair samples that are not used are stored securely in that horse’s own dossier.
When BAPSH receives the required certificates from Animal Genetics, the Foal Registration is completed, the UELN allocated and the Passport printed with a 5 generation pedigree.

Right: Aztec Jovana – AAH Class B filly by PRE stallion Currante VI ex AAH Class D mare Aztec Delfina Montana. Photo Karen Collison (Breeder)


Breeding Evaluation (Grading/ Assessment)

Stallions – Breeding Evaluation is compulsory for Stallions over 3yrs old registered in the Albion Azteca Horse Main Studbook before they may be used to cover mares.
Mares over 3yrs old may also be Evaluated for Breeding Approval; at present this is optional.

For Full Details of the Breeding Approval & Grading Procedures for Albion Azteca Horses and the 2023 Application Forms go to the BREEDING APPROVAL & GRADING FOR AAH STALLIONS & MARES

Procedures Include
Stage 1a) Veterinarian Physical inspection by an approved Equine Vet to determine the presence or absence of inheritable defects including the mouth, eyes, throat, limbs, and hernias (genitalia, inguinal, scrotal).
Stage b) Movement at walk, trot & reverse to determine freedom from Locking Patella, Stringhalt, and Wobbler disease, and lameness.

Stage 2 Grading at Central Venue
a) Physical Measurement, Conformation & Type assessment. 27 Detailed conformation measurements are taken, and the horse is assessed for overall type and conformation in relation to the Breed Standard.

Stage 2 b & c) Movement and athleticism for Riding and Sport. Walk is assessed in-hand, and trot and canter are assessed inhand and in Freedom; then the horse is assessed loose over a series of jumps down a short jumping lane.

The horse’s temperament, behaviour and overall attitude is assessed throughout the Evaluation.


A young PRE mare demonstrating the calm confident attitude required for the measurement stage of the Evaluation process in all breeds managed by BAPSH Ltd. Photos show ‘Height at Withers’, ‘Length of Forearm’, and ‘Length of Stifle’ being measured.

Below: Aztec Jovana, AAH Class B filly, Walking out in-hand in a good active manner for Movement assessment. Owned by Leye Price. Bred by the photographer, Karen Collison.

Aztec Jovana – AAH Class B filly at 2yrs old

Performance Awards for Competitive Sport

Horses (mares, stallions, and geldings) that compete in Dressage, Show Jumping, Eventing, Driving, and Endurance at the higher Affiliated levels can gain points for achieving specific scores or %. The number of points required to achieve the ‘Sport’ designation is dependent upon the Sport; points must be achieved across a minimum of 5 shows/competitions in a particular sport over a 12 month period. The Owner of the horse must submit documentation to the BAPSH at the end of the 12 month period to prove the achievements. The horse is then awarded the title of Sport-Drs, Sport-SJ, Sport-Ev, Sport-En, or Sport-Drv, or any combination of these titles. This information is added to the horse’s online web information and pedigree which should be live online by mid 2022

RETROSPECTIVE Performance Awards

Applications from owners for BAPSH to recognise, retrospectively, Sports points achieved in previous years before this Performance Award Scheme was initiated will be considered on a horse by horse basis providing the documentation provided is solid.

PREFERENT Title for Outstanding Brood Mares and Breeding Stallions

Mares or Stallions who have four progeny (mares, stallions, and geldings) who all achieve a Sports Performance Award are given the title PREFERENT. This is shown on their online records and pedigree and assists breeders in designing their breeding programmes.

More detailed information about the various points available at particular levels in each Equine Sport will be available soon.