Monday, December 18, 2023 News
BAPSH office will be shut f...


A Warm Welcome to the website for The British Association for the Purebred Spanish Horse Ltd otherwise known as BAPSH Ltd.

It is the British Government recognised organisation in the UK for the Purebred Spanish Horse and the Purebred Equine Breeds based upon a minimum % of PRE blood which we refer to as our PRE Associated Breeds.
BAPSH can also register and overstamp the passports for Imported horses of breeds descended from PRE horses, eg. the rare Menorquina and Mallorquina breeds.

The Association was founded in September 1982 and was then known as the British Andalusian Horse Society.

BAPSH Ltd is a DEFRA approved UK Equine Passport office. We hold and operate the National Studbooks for Purebred Spanish Horses (Pura Raza Española or PREs)PRE Fusion Horses (PFH)Hispano- Arab Horses (HA),   Spanish Spotted Saddle Horses (SSSH)Spanish-Norman Horses  (SNH), and Albion Azteca Horses (AAH) 
BAPSH also looks after the needs of PRE-type and PRE Fusion-type horses with uncertified pedigrees (Andalusians) or undocumented PRE Ancestry in Appendix-B of the PRE Fusion Horse Studbook.

We handle all aspects of Registration for Imports and British home-breds, Changes of Ownership, Passport Updates, Covering Certificates, Breeding paperwork, Foal registration, and also deal with many other aspects of owning and breeding Purebred Spanish Horses (PRE) and the Associate Breeds based upon the PRE or descended from the PRE horse.

Don JM 2015 big trot with Joanna 2crpd     2014-06-22 Victoriosa and Vela SA 1     Oviedo de Torre - Buckskin stallion 2016 pic practising levade in the field     Navarro show jumping 2014-07-26 2

BAPSH Ltd is the officially recognised UK organisation working with, and affiliated to, the ANCCE-LGPRE (Spanish mother studbook for the PRE) in Seville, Spain.  We handle all the ANCCE-LGPRE paperwork and Service requests/applications for PRE owner/breeders living in the UK and Eire.
IF you are familiar with the way the Studbooks for our breeds operate then you can go straight to our NEW webpage –  FORMS; INFORMATION; DOCUMENTS; BAPSH & ANCCE  – to download the items you need. Otherwise we recommend going to the STUDBOOK BREEDS page for your breed or to the page/s about the specific subject you are interested in.

2015-03-27 NUBECITA CLEARING XCOUNTRY JUMP BY MILES   IMG_3116   Lucia, trotting towards, Nat Show 2006 crpd   Dressage to Music - Harry and James 1crpd


UK Law controlling Horse Registrations and Passports has been updated with the New UK Equine Regulations, including Domestic Penalties, approved on June 25th, in force 1st October 2018.

ALL Horse Passport Issuing Offices (PIOs) MUST report to DEFRA’s Enforcement Agency ANYONE who does not obey the following list of regulations concerning the horses they own, buy, sell, or breed.

1.BUYING OR SELLING A HORSE – THE CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP MUST BE REGISTERED WITH BAPSH Ltd (your PIO) WITHIN 30 DAYS OF THE PURCHASE DATE. The Seller must complete, sign, & date a BAPSH Ltd Transfer of Ownership Application form 2022 showing the date of sale, the purchaser’s name, address & other contact details clearly. The PASSPORT, Transfer Application, & Fee are sent to the BAPSH Ltd Registrar within 30 days of the Sale for Updating.  READ ALL ABOUT Change of Ownership

2.IMPORTING A HORSE FROM THE EU OR OTHER COUNTRY – THE IMPORTED HORSE MUST BE REGISTERED WITH THE UK PIO FOR THAT BREED OR TYPE WITHIN 30 DAYS OF ARRIVAL IN THE UK. BAPSH Ltd is the UK PIO responsible for registering imported PREs, Hispano-Arabs, PRE Fusion Horse, Spanish Spotted Saddle Horse, Aztecas, Spanish-Norman Horses, Partbreds, Non-Pedigree horses of PRE-Type & Partbred-Type, and other Breeds of Spanish descent.  READ General Information On IMPORTED HORSES

3.DEATH OR SLAUGHTER OF A HORSE – THE DEATH OF A HORSE MUST BE REPORTED TO THE UK PIO FOR THAT HORSE AND THE PASSPORT RETURNED TO THAT PIO FOR CANCELLATION WITHIN 30 DAYS OF THE HORSE’S DEATH. Download the DEATH NOTIFICATION FORM-2022 , complete the requested information, and send the form with the BAPSH registered deceased Horse’s Passport and send to BAPSH Ltd Registry Office for cancellation within 30 days of death. Owners may request the passport’s return – see details on the form. READ MORE AT PASSPORTS …..

4.BIRTH OF A FOAL – A PASSPORT MUST BE APPLIED FOR BEFORE THE 30th NOVEMBER OF THE YEAR OF BIRTH. THE FOAL MUST HAVE A PASSPORT ISSUED BY 6 MONTHS OLD OR BY 31st DECEMBER WHICHEVER DATE OCCURS LATER. Breeders of PRE, PFH, HA, SSSH, SNH, and AAH Foals can download instructions and Application forms for Foal Registration from the relevant Studbook Pages for their Breed. If you are not sure whether your foal is eligible for registration and pedigree Passport with one of our Studbooks please contact the Registrar direct for instructions –

5.CHANGE OF OWNER’S ADDRESS OR SURNAME – NEW ADDRESS/SURNAME DETAILS MUST BE REGISTERED WITH BAPSH Ltd (your PIO) WITHIN 30 DAYS OF THE HOUSE MOVE/ NAME CHANGE. Send your passports that are registered with BAPSH Ltd to the Registry Office with the CHANGE OF ADDRESS OR SURNAME-2022 & ANCCE-LGPRE Update Form and the appropriate fees within 30 days of your change of address. READ MORE AT PASSPORTS …..

6.CASTRATION – DATE & PLACE OF GELDING MUST BE CERTIFIED BY THE VET & THE CHANGE OF STATE REGISTERED WITH BAPSH Ltd WITHIN 30 DAYS OF THE OPERATION. Download the GELDING CERTIFICATION FORM-2022 to be completed by your Vet, and then send it with your passport registered with BAPSH Ltd to the Registry Office with the above details and the appropriate fees WITHIN 30 DAYS OF THE CHANGE OF STATE. READ MORE AT PASSPORTS …..

7.LOST PASSPORT – THIS LOSS MUST BE NOTIFIED TO THE BAPSH Ltd (your PIO) IMMEDIATELY AND A DUPLICATE APPLIED FOR. Download a DUPLICATE PASSPORT APPLICATION FORM-2022 complete the information, and get your Vet out to complete the identification page (ID compulsory under new 2016 law). This form must be sent to the Registry Office accompanied by a letter explaining the circumstances of the loss and the correct fee

The NEW UK Domestic Equine Law enables Local Authorities and the Police to issue On-The-Spot Fines for breaches of the Equine Passport Laws; quite a few Local Authorities see this as a usefull new source of revenue. Make sure that YOUR Horse’s UK Registration and Passport are fully Updated and comply with the Law.
Penalties for a horse NOT having a Passport are quite severe – either a fine of up to £5,000.00 or a 6 month term in prison.

Vispera Tierra 1