Hispano-Arab Horse – British Auxillary Register for Uncertified or Unknown Ancestry

1. Introduction
2a. Registration – UK-Born Foals of HA-Type (uncertified/unknown ancestry)
2b. Registration – UK-Born Adult Horses of HA-Type (uncertified/unknown ancestry)
3. Registration Procedure for Imported Horses of HA-Type (uncertified/unknown ancestry)
The HA Studbook Auxillary Register is a Studbook Appendix for those Mares, Stallions and Geldings whose complete genealogy is unknown or uncertified, but who demonstrate distinct Hispano-Arab morphological and functional qualities from photographs and movement video clip/s sent to the BAPSH Ltd office with the registration application. These horses may be UK Born or Imported.
Mares in the HA Auxillary Register CANNOT be bred from until they have passed the Hispano-Arab reproductive evaluation (Grading) in accordance with the current Hispano-Arab Grading (Valoración) Regulations.
[NOTE: Several of the MRR and Elite Stallions whose photos appear on the Main HA webpage have Auxillary Register Mares as their dams]
Stallions in the HA Auxillary Register CANNOT be bred from until they have passed the Hispano-Arab reproductive evaluation (Grading), and in addition to passing the HA Grading, must demonstrate, through documented sporting careers, successful functional results in some official discipline, this documented sporting evidence will be assessed by BAPSH Ltd before the decision is made whether to grant Approval for Breeding or not.
The descendants of the horses inscribed in this Auxillary Register will be able to inscribed into the HA Main Studbook Section B as long as they come from a mating to an Approved for Breeding HA mare or stallion registered in the Main Studbook Section A or B.  All these products will be registered with a percentage of Arab blood equivalent to half the percentage of the Main Studbook registered HA parent.


HA filly of lovely type but undocumented ancestry

1a.Take 4 Photographs of the Foal AND 4 Photographs of the Mother  (If the mother is known). The Photos are essential to determine if the Foal has sufficient Hispano-Arab-Type to qualify for the Auxillary Register.
These photographs for the Foal and for the Mother must consist of:-
i.The whole horse from the RIGHT-side with the horse at right- angles to the camera – head and neck raised.
ii.The whole horse from the LEFT-side with the horse at right- angles to the camera – head and neck raised.
iii.The front of the horse, including his/her head (showing nasal bone, nostril shape, eye-set, etc)
iv.The rear of the horse, taken from directly behind the horse, showing tailset, pelvic and croup shape.
1b. Video clip of side Movement at TROT
2.Download and print the doublesided (2 page)  HISPANO-ARAB HORSE – FOAL/HORSE – REGISTRATION INTO BAPSH HISPANO-ARAB STUDBOOK – 2022
3.Complete all the Owner & Breeder (If known) details in black or blue ink in legible capitals on the 1st page of the Registration Application form. Add as much other information as possible, including any uncertified pedigree or parentage information that you have. Complete and sign and date the Owner declaration at the bottom of Page 2.
4.Your Equine Vet visits to perform a detailed and thorough identification of the Foal.  This detailed identification will be used to create your horse’s new HA Registered Status Passport.
5a. Your Vet’s first action must be to scan the Foal’s neck to detect if there is a Microchip in place. (Unlikely if it is a young foal bred by you, but possible if you are not the Breeder and have bought the foal) If a Microchip is located then this number is written on to the ID page of our application form and the Microchip location is marked on the Identity Diagram with an M in a circle.
If your Foal does NOT have an active microchip, your vet must provide and insert a microchip into the left side mid-third of the neck, just below the crest. The Microchip sticker must be put on the Registration Application form and the spare Microchip stickers enclosed with the Registration Application form on its return to the Registry Office.
5b. Then your vet must carefully draw ALL the Whorls, Scars, and White Markings onto the Identity Diagram and also mark the location of the Microchip. The vet then completes the written section on Page 2 of the Application form – clearly PRINTING his own name and practice address, plus date and signature, and endorses it with the Vet Practice Stamp.
6a. Send by Special/Recorded Delivery to the Registrar the HA Foal/Horse Registration application Form, and a photocopy of the Sales Receipt/Purchase Receipt IF you bought the foal.
b) Send by Email the 4 Photos and the Video Clip.
c) Pay the Registration + Pedigree Passport Fee (£79.00)

Last Steps

When BAPSH receives the registration application it is checked to ensure all is correct, the Photos and Video analysed, and if all is acceptable, the Foal Registration is completed, the UELN allocated and the Passport printed and posted out to the Owner.

PROCEDURE FOR HORSES over 12 months old
1a.Take 4 Photographs of the Horse. The Photos are essential to determine if the Horse has sufficient Hispano-Arab-Type to qualify for the Auxillary Register.
These photographs for the Horse must consist of:-
i.The whole horse from the RIGHT-side with the horse at right- angles to the camera – head and neck raised.
ii.The whole horse from the LEFT-side with the horse at right- angles to the camera – head and neck raised.
iii.The front of the horse, including his/her head (showing nasal bone, nostril shape, eye-set, etc)
iv.The rear of the horse, taken from directly behind the horse, showing tailset, pelvic and croup shape.
1b. Video clip of side Movement at TROT
2.Download and print the doublesided (2 page)  HISPANO-ARAB HORSE – FOAL/HORSE – REGISTRATION INTO BAPSH HISPANO-ARAB STUDBOOK – 2022
3.Complete all the Owner & Breeder (If known) details in black or blue ink in legible capitals on the 1st page of the Registration Application form. Add as much other information as possible, including any uncertified pedigree or parentage information that you have. Complete and sign and date the Owner declaration at the bottom of Page 2.
4.Your Equine Vet visits to perform a detailed and thorough identification of the Foal.  This detailed identification will be used to create your horse’s new HA Registered Status Passport.
5a. Your Vet’s first action must be to scan the horse’s neck with thoroughness to detect if there is a Microchip in place. (If your horse has a modern passport it must have had a microchip inserted when it was passported but sometimes these become inactive.) If a Microchip is located then this number is written on to the ID page of our application form and the Microchip location is marked on the Identity Diagram with an M in a circle.
If your Foal does NOT have an active microchip, your vet must provide and insert a microchip into the left side mid-third of the neck, just below the crest. The Microchip sticker must be put on the Registration Application form and the spare Microchip stickers enclosed with the Registration Application form on its return to the Registry Office.
5b. Then your vet must carefully draw ALL the Whorls, Scars, and White Markings onto the Identity Diagram and also mark the location of the Microchip. The vet then completes the written section on Page 2 of the Application form – clearly PRINTING his own name and practice address, plus date and signature, and endorses it with the Vet Practice Stamp.
6. IF your horse already has an ID-Only Passport then you need to write a letter from yourself to the PIO which issued the Passport requesting that the ID-Only Passport for ‘XXXX’ is cancelled because ‘XXXX’ is now known to eligible for registration as a Hispano-Arab and you wish to get a New-Reissue BAPSH Ltd Studbook Passport. The letter should also request that the ID Passport Vaccination pages are returned to BAPSH Ltd. BAPSH Ltd will take a complete copy of the ID-Only Passport and then send the Passport to the issuing PIO with your cancellation letter and a covering letter from BAPSH.
7a. Send by Special/Recorded Delivery to the Registrar the HA Foal/Horse Registration application Form, a photocopy of the Sales Receipt/Purchase Receipt, your Letter to the PIO who issued the old Passport, and the old Passport for cancellation.
b) Send by Email the 4 Photos and the Video Clip.
c) Pay the Registration + Pedigree Passport Fee (£79.00)

The Full Vaccination Record and the Full Ownership Record within the Horse’s Original Passport (If it has a Passport already) will be faithfully and accurately copied into the Vaccination and Ownership pages of the New Re-Issue Pedigree Passport. No data will be lost as a result of cancellation and Re-Issue.

Last Steps
When BAPSH receives the registration application it is checked to ensure all is correct, the Photos and Video analysed, and if all is acceptable, the Foal Registration is completed, the UELN allocated and the Passport printed and posted out to the Owner.

Transfer of Ownership is included in the Import Registration process
and an Invoice, Receipt, or Contract of Sale should be provided from the seller to yourself to show that it is a legal sale to you.
BAPSH will also need a copy of your horse’s Intra-Trade & EU to Third Country travel documents to the UK; contact BAPSH by email if these documents are not available.

Marquesa de Antequera – Imported Mare with good HA type but undocumented ancestry.

1a.Take 4 Photographs of the horse to assist in his/her identification as a Hispano-Arab-Type Horse. These photographs must consist of:-
i.The whole horse from the RIGHT-side with the horse at right- angles to the camera – head and neck raised.
ii.The whole horse from the LEFT-side with the horse at right- angles to the camera – head and neck raised.
iii.The front of the horse, including his/her head (showing nasal bone, nostril shape, eye-set, etc)
iv.The rear of the horse, taken from directly behind the horse, showing tailset, pelvic and croup shape.
1b. Video clip of side Movement at TROT

2.Download and print the doublesided (2 page)  HISPANO-ARAB HORSE – uncertified or undocumented PRE Ancestry – IMPORT REGISTRATION Application Form. 2022
3.Complete all the Owner details in black or blue ink in legible capitals on the 1st page of the Registration Application form. Add as much other information as possible, including any un-certified pedigree or parentage information you have. Complete and sign and date the Owner declaration at the bottom of page 2.
4.Your Equine Vet visits to perform a detailed and thorough identification from the horse itself, so that BAPSH Ltd can confirm the horse’s identity. This detailed identification may be used to update the existing passport, or to create your horse’s new Re-Issue Registered Status Passport if this is also applied for (Recommended by BAPSH Ltd).
5a. Your Vet’s first action must be to scan the horse’s neck with thoroughness to detect if there is a Microchip in place. (If your horse has a modern passport it must have had a microchip inserted when it was passported but sometimes these become inactive.) If a Microchip is located then this number is written on to the ID page of our application form and the Microchip location is marked on the Identity Diagram with an M in a circle.
If your horse does NOT have an active microchip, your vet must provide and insert a microchip into the left side mid-third of the neck, just below the crest. The Microchip sticker must be put on the Application form and the spare Microchip stickers enclosed with the Registration Application form on its return to the Registry Office.
5b. Then your vet must carefully draw ALL the Whorls, Scars, and White Markings onto the Identity Diagram and also mark the location of the Microchip. The vet then completes the written section on page 2 of the Application form – clearly PRINTING his own name and practice address, plus date and signature, and endorses it with the Vet Practice Stamp.
i. YOUR HORSE HAS a Passport issued by the Junta de Andalucia – these Dark Green Passports do not meet UK Passport regulations because there is no English language description and no Identity Diagram, or one of the other Spanish Regional Government Equine ID-Only Passports that do not meet UK regulations (NB There are 17 Regional Governments in Spain which issue Equine Passports – some are legal in the UK and some are not)
ii. To UPGRADE your horse’s Status from ID-ONLY to Registered Status by applying to BAPSH Ltd for a Re-Issue Registered-Status Equine Passport.

BAPSH strongly recommends that ALL ID-Only Passports are cancelled and new Re-Issue Passports are applied for to UPGRADE horses to Registered Status Passports in order to avoid travel regulation problems on Horse transports carrying a mix of horses with Registered Status and ID-Only Status. Horses with ID-Only Status Passports WILL BE REMOVED from mixed loads at ports of departure from the UK.

IMPORTANT NOTE:- The Full Vaccination Record and the Full Ownership Record within the Horse’s Original Passport will be faithfully and accurately copied into the Vaccination and Ownership pages of the New Re-Issue Pedigree Passport. No data will be lost as a result of cancellation and Re-Issue.

7. Send by Special/Recorded Delivery to the Registrar the Form/s, photocopies of any other documents that accompanied the horse when imported eg Intra-Trade Certificate (Transport document), Sales Receipt/Purchase Receipt or Contract, the Horse’s Passport.
Send by Email the 4 Photos and the Video Clip.
Pay the appropriate Fee :-
a) £65.00 for Import Registration and Passport Overstamp. Includes Recorded Delivery P&P to you
b) £95.00 for Import Registration and a Re-Issue Registered Status NEW Passport. Includes Recorded Delivery P&P to you.

Payments can be made by Cheque/Postal Order payable to BAPSH Ltd, or preferably by Bank Transfer
Email Mary McBryde – bapshregistrar@btinternet.com for BAPSH Registry Account Bank details.

If you are in doubt about any of the above instructions or need any further clarification please contact:-

The Registrar – Mary McBryde  (BAPSH Registry Services)
Holly Trees Farm, Chesterblade Road, Stoney Stratton, Shepton Mallet, Somerset. BA4 4EQ

Tel: 07887 890098             Email: bapshregistrar@btinternet.com